Spelljammer Helms

Spelljammer helms provide the power to move vessels through space. These helms are mounted to the ship and form a magically bond with the physical structure of the ship. Some races use helms that use different energies for power. No matter the form the helm makes, they are all created by the Arcane race. No other race has the knowledge to create a Spellammer helm. Below are the most common types of Spelljammer Helms.

Major and Minor Spelljammer Helms

The two most common Spellammer helms are the minor helm and major helm. Typically these are a chair or seat of some form that conducts the magic from the magic user setting in it to movement of the ship. The ammount of movement is known as the ship’s rating or SR for short. A minor helm converts magic energy at a rate of 1 SR for each three levels of the magic user in the seat. A major helm converts at a rate of 1 SR for every 2 levels.

Each Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, or Wizard level counts as 1 magic user level. Paladin, Ranger, Warlock, Eldritch Knight Fighters, and Arcane Trickster rogue gain 1 magic user level for every two levels. So level / 2, rounded down, minimum of 1 level once that character has access to spells.


Magic user’s levelMajor HelmMinor Helm

The spell user must take some time to attune his magic to that of the helm. Due to the powerful nature of the magic that creates the helms, this does not require an attunement slot from the character that is using the helm, however it takes some time for this process to happen. Once a spell user touches the helm, it takes d8 rounds for the ship to come under their power. Once this is complete, the attunement between the helm and the spell caster remains until physical contact is broken. If that should happen, the d8 turns is required to reestablish attunement.

A minor helm can move a ship up to 50 tons, while a major helm can move a ship up to 100 tons. A helm can be used by an individual for 8 hours. For every hours or part there of that an individual uses the helm after the initial 8 hours, he must make an Int save with a DC of 10+1 for each hour after the initial 8. On a failure, he gains a level of exhaustion as the exertion of consistently channeling the magic forces overcomes his physical body.

(In the original rules, anyone using a Spelljammer helm for any amount of time loses all of their spell casting abilities for that day. In keeping with the flavor of 5e, this limitation has been removed. The magic used by the Spelljammer helm is equivalent to that of a cantrip.)

Series Helms

Series helms were invented by the Illithids, but have been adapted by other races with inherent spell-like abilities. It is a series of helms, joined together to power the ship. Each helm in series give the ship 1 SR. A typical series helm consists of 2 to 5 helms, though they may not all be in use. Only the helms in use add to the SR of the ship.

Series helms require the same amount of time for attunement of each user. It is 1d8 rounds for each user to attune to the helm and add to the SR. Roll separately for each user when they establish contact.


The Orbus is a sub race of Beholders. They are blind with milky skin over their eyes and practically helpless on their own. They are breed solely for use on Beholder Spelljammer ships. Each Orbus adds 1 to the SR of the ship up to 5. The Orbi can move a ship up to 20 tons for each Orbi. If there are not enough living Orbi to move the ship, it’s SR is reduced to 1.

Orbi do require the same d8 round attunement process that other helms require, however they do not suffer from the exhaustion rules that apply to other helms. Beholder ships are quite the foe for this reason. They are always at full power, and never have to stop to rest.


The Dwarves use forges to move their Spelljammer ships, more like and asteroid or a flying mountain than a ship. For each 100 Dwarves working the forge generate an SR of 1.

Ships powered by forges are typically slow but massive. Forges can move objects between 100 and 700 tons. The forge requires 4 tons of space for every 100 dwarves working it.

Forges do not require attunement time, just need at least 100 dwarves to start working at the forge to create movement.


A helm used by evil races that draw energy from the life force of the individual or creature placed within. It may come in the form of a chair or bed with restraints, or an iron maiden where the creature is completely enclosed.

Lifejammers require the same d8 attunement time to start up as most other helms.

The lifejammer uses hit dice as the magic user’s level on the minor helm SR chart. The individual or creature being used takes d8 damage every 8 hours. This damage cannot be healed by any means while they are attached to the lifejammer. Once they reach 0 hit points they automatically fail their death saves and perish in 3 rounds.

In addition, they suffer a level of exhaustion for each day or portion there of that they are attached to the lifejammer helm. In addition to the damage and exhaustion, a Wis save, DC 10+1 for each day they are exposed to the life draining forces of the lifejammer must be made or the receive a long term madness. If they already have a long term madness, that madness becomes indefinite. If they already have an indefinite madness, roll for a new long term madness and so on.

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