Cost: 150 GP
Damage: 1d10 piercing
Weight: 12 lb
Properties: Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, two-handed, firearm.
Wheellock Pistol
Cost: 250 GP
Damage: 1d10 piercing
Weight: 3 lb
Properties: Ammunition (range 30/90), loading, firearm
Costs: 125 GP
Damage: 2d8(1d8) piercing
Weight: 8 lb
Properties: Ammunition (range 30/60), loading, firearm, scatter
The blunderbuss is a firearm with a short, large flared barrel. It fires shot similar to a modern shotgun. While it does tremendous damage at short range (2d8), its damage at long range drops (1d8) as the shot scatters.
Bullets (10), Cost: 3 GP, Weight: 2 lb
Shot (10), Cost: 2 GP, Weight: 4 lb
Smoke Powder(10), Cost: 3000 GP, Weight: 5 lb
New Weapon Properties
A firearm is a weapon that uses a smoke powder charge as well as ammunition. These weapons are not entirely stable and will misfire on a critical failure and cause its damage to its wielder. In the case of a misfire, the weapon is inoperable until it is cleared which takes 10 rounds.
This weapon fires lots of small projectiles. As such, it does less damage at long range as the projectiles spread and become less effective.
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