Breathing in Space

All bodies moving into Wildspace take an air envelope with them, held there by the gravity that each body of mass creates. A single medium sized creature will have an air envelope that will last for 2-20 minutes. Larger objects, such as ships, have enough air to last one medium sized creature for 120 days for each ton of the object.

Air Quality

Fresh Air is completely breathable, normal air. This lasts for 2d10 minutes for a single body, or 4 months on a ship with full crew.

Fouled Air is stale and partially depleted. Characters in this type of air suffer disadvantage to attacks and skill checks. Fouled air lasts for 30 minutes minus the time the air was fresh for a single body, or 4 months for a ship with full crew.

Deadly Air is completely depleted and filled with carbon dioxide. This begins when the fouled air ends. Each minute a character spends in deadly air, they must make a Con saving throw of DC15 + 1 for each minute spent. The character passes out from lack of oxygen on the first failed save, and dies with the second such failure.

Calculating Air Supply on a Ship

A ship with a full crew has 4 months worth of fresh air, and 4 months of fouled air. If the ship has more or less creatures breathing air, adjust the time accordingly. One method is to average it out. If a ship has half of its crew rating, the air lasts twice as long. If it is 50% over that rating it only has 2 and 2/3rds months of air.

Alternatively, and more accurately, you can calculate the air for each day. Upon leaving port or any other place where air was refreshed a ship starts with 120 man-days of air for each ton of mass. Each day subtract the number of creatures breathing the air. When it is reduced to 0 the air becomes fouled and the air total is reset. Once fouled air reaches zero the air is deadly.

Creature Size and Air Use

All of the above is based on a medium sized creature. Larger creatures require more air, and smaller creatures require less. For each size about medium the air use is doubled. For each size below medium it is halved.

Creature SizeAir Use

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