Grappling and Boarding

When two ships are in the same hex, either may attempt to grapple the other. If both ships attempt to grapple, the side with ship’s initiative goes first. A grapple attempt requires a grappling hook and 5 feet of space for each crew member attempting to grapple. Grapple attempts happen in the ship phase, but crew members attempting to grapple may not act in that character combat phase. A crew member attempting a grapple may not assist in maneuvering the ship or firing heavy weapons during the ship round of the attempted grapple.

Each crew member attempting to grapple must make to hit roll against an AC of 8 + the relative SR of the ships determined the same as for ramming. A successful hit means that grapple is attached. To bring the two ships to a stop from grappling there must be 1 successfully grappled line per each 10 tons of the smallest ship (rounded up). If a 25 ton trademan attempted to grapple a 45 ton squid ship, it would require 3 successful grapple rolls. Any less and the ships will move apart, breaking any lines that are attached.


Once the ships are successfully grappled, character combat rounds begin. Roll initiative for each character and roll once for each ships crew adjusting for the crew status. Normal character combat ensues.

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