
Crews in Spelljammer are just as important as the ship they man. Their status can be the difference between winning and losing a ship combat encounter.

Initial Crew Status

Initially a crew has the status of the majority of the crew. This is only for determining the initial crew status, or if more than 80% of the crew has to be replaced.

Increasing Crew Status

A green crew will become average after 1 month of travel.

An average crew will become trained after 2 months of travel and at least 1 trip into the phlogiston.

A trained crew will become crack after 3 months and at least one combat, all under the same captain on the same ship. A crack crew moved to a different ship or under a different captain reverts to trained status.

Replacing up to 80% of a crew will not affect it’s status. Any more and revert back to the initial crew status rules

Replacing 50% to 80% of a crack crew will drop their status back to trained.

Effect of Crew Status

Crew StatusShip Initiative

Hiring and Paying Crew

Typical crew pay can be found in the chart below. Weapons Specialists get paid double. Individual crew members will expect to get a raise to their new status once it is reached. If this does not happen they most likely will look for more gainful employment at the next available port.

If the crew sees a significant amount of combat (as most adventuring ships will), they will expect a cut of the bounty or hazard pay.

Crew StatusPay
Green2 GP/month
Average4 GP/month
Trained/Crack6 GP/month

Finding green crew is easy. They can come from anywhere and have no knowledge of how to operate a ship, or even that they exist.

Average crew can be found in any city or port that has regular Spelljammer ship traffic. Depending on econimic and social conditions, and average of 2d10 can be found per week in an average size port city. The rock of braal would have three times that amount

Trained crew are a little harder to come by. 1d6 per week in the above example and 3d6 in a port the size of the Rock of Bral.

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