
Eventually, Spelljammer ships crash. Whether the ship is out of control or simply made some rather poor decisions. These rules will help you determine the outcome of a ship crashing.

A crash is any time a ship hits something substantially larger than itself. It could be a planet, and asteroid, or a really large ship. Any ship that hits a ship that is more than 5 times its tonnage, crashes into that ship. Any ship without a ram that attempts a ram is treated as a crash.

The crashing ship takes its current SR plus half its original hull points in damage. So any ship crashing at an SR of more than 3 is destroyed. Anyone unlucky enough to be on board the crashing vessel takes 1d10 for each SR point. They may make a Dex or Con save (their choice) DC 15 for half damage.

The target ship takes damage equal to the crashing ship’s current SR plus current hull points. It also takes a ship shaken critical hit.

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